Unpaid Invoices? Let our ruthless publicity campaign force them to pay up. Revolutionary digital marketing agency that publicly shames bad debtors until you get paid. 98% success rate.
“As a small business owner, dealing with clients who don’t pay their bills on time was the bane of my existence. I wasted countless hours and energy chasing payments. That stopped when I brought in Hugo Hawk. Their ruthless approach was a total game changer.”
Peter Cary
Sick of chasing bad debtors who won’t pay? We publicly lambast deadbeat clients in the news. They’ll pay up instantly.
Learn how we forced 98% to pay. Join forces with Hugo Hawk to apply strategic pressure on companies that have wronged you.
Hugo Hawk’s unique digital publicity approach swiftly resolve disputes, holding companies accountable for their actions without stepping into a courtroom.
Your clients were probably thinking about declaring bankruptcy to avoid your debt, but we’ll make them think again. 98% of debtors we contact pay their bills on request. Let us help you get paid the money you are owed
“Within days of hiring them, my most defiant debtor paid up. Hugo Hawk’s spokesperson rang me, chuckling, “You’re not going to believe what we just did.” Turns out the publication of some investigative journalism about my debtor’s possible insolvent trading activities scarred their pants off. Mortifying stuff for their customers! But it worked. I had a bank transfer confirmation faster than a heartbeat. “
At Hugo Hawk, we follow a systematic process to identify companies engaging in unethical behavior. This process includes meticulous research, collaboration with whistleblowers, consumer complaints, and legal entities. We then leverage advanced SEO techniques to ensure that these practices are highly visible on Google search. Our mission is to provide a voice for those affected and create awareness so that consumers can make informed decisions.
Yes, we encourage individuals who have experienced or witnessed unfair business practices to reach out to us. Your insight could be vital in exposing wrongdoing. At Hugo Hawk, we take privacy very seriously. All information provided will be handled with the utmost confidentiality, and we’ll work closely with you to determine the best course of action based on your comfort level and the situation’s specifics.
Hugo Hawk’s uniqueness lies in our innovative approach to consumer protection. Rather than relying solely on legal channels, we utilize the power of Google search and SEO to expose unethical practices directly where people are looking for information about companies. This direct approach not only brings immediate awareness but also puts pressure on companies to act responsibly. Additionally, our collaborative efforts with legal entities and consumer advocates create a comprehensive strategy that transcends traditional methods. Our commitment to transparency, integrity, and justice sets us apart in the fight against unfair business practices.
“My advice? Don’t mess around trying to stay friends with people who don’t respect you enough to pay. One call to Hugo Hawk and these jokers will be paying double… or else”